Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh The Places I Have Been

I thought I might reminisce about the places the God has taken me in the past few years. 
First was Mexico. But I don't have a picture for that.  It was all the seniors in our youth group.  It was a blast.  We stayed at the all expense paid resort.  They servers kept trying to give us alcohol.  I think we may have accidentally had some.  It was so relaxing, and a ton of fun.  It was also the only time I left the country and it wasn't a mission trip. (not counting when we went to Canada to visit my mom's peoples)

And then there was FRANCE, of which I have many pictures.  So here are just a few
Notre Dame Cathedral
Me at the Eiffel Tower

I went to France on a choir tour in 2008.  We spent 3 days in Paris and then 4 days in Nice and anywhere we could drive to within the day.  It was a jam packed tour of "let's see everything we possibly can and then sing."  We sang in some of the most beautiful cathedrals.  The sound was mesmerizing.  They had to sit us all down before our first performance just to make sure that we wouldn't lose focus during the performance.  

Next came Sierra Leone, West Africa!

This was my first overseas Mission trip.  But wasn't going to be the last.  while I was there I got to teach the girls in the village how to play soccer.  I gave my testimony.  We walk a ton! Mainly because the van kept breaking down. :)  In the picture above we are standing on the side of the road because the radiator in the other vehicle cracked.  Apparently it's a common thing.  But it gave us some extra time to get to know our African teammates.  The African girl standing right next to me is Katie.  I got pretty close with her even though she was only with us for a couple days.  We still keep in contact and everything. 

And of course we had to stop in London on the way home for two days.

I couldn't believe it when they told us that staying in London for two days would actually make the trip $500 cheaper.  of course we jumped on that.  we mostly did sight seeing and touristy things that didn't cost any money.  most of us didn't really have any more money with us excet for food and a couple souveniers.

Next was Haiti.  This trip came and went quicker than the time I knew I would go.  My college pastor asked me if I would seriously consider going on the trip if they helped out a bit.  I told him all my focus was on support raising for Thailand.  But by God's sovereignty in my life and working out some little details, I ended up in Haiti for spring break.  We worked with some churches there.  We taught the kids some fun songs and bible stories.  Then played soccer with them.  I would post some pics, but I have a video of my Haiti experience already on the blog.  You should check that out. 

And then, finally, was Thailand.  I know there's already a few pictures from there, but I thought I'd put up a few more. 

The two things I really wanted to do before I left was go to the zoo, and do Flight of the Gibbon.  It's a zip lining course through the jungle.  it was SO MUCH FUN.  I didn't get a chance to go to the zoo, but they had a nice little cardboard cut out scene at the air port. So we decided to take a picture in front of it with some of my friends.  So then the trip was (Kinda) complete. 

Well there we go.  all my overseas trips put into one post.  Enjoy

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