Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pondering of Today.

I'm happy to day that we are starting our study on Hebrews 11.  Our church has been studying Hebrews for about a year now, and we are finally to chapter 11.  I has been so........ enlightening and challenging.  The writer of Hebrews made it a strong point to show that we are not saved by anything we do.  Christ is the priest and the sacrifice.  He is the Ruler of the nations and we share His inheritance!  But why do we get to share anything or be saved by this Christ.  Because God is love.  His gifts are many, and worth more than anything on Earth.  Gifts like salvation, fellowship with the Father, and our Faith.  I've enjoyed being reminded today that my Faith is not my own.  Just like after becoming a believer we are continually being sanctified-not that our works through the sanctification process are credited to us for any worth except for us to grow closer to Christ- our faith is a gift given to us by God that will grow stronger as we grow weaker in ourselves and stronger in Christ.  Faith produces works that glorify God, but none of those things we do because of our faith will earn us anything.  All we have are gifts from the Lord.

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