Thursday, November 3, 2011


Sitting in a room full of friends talking about a half marathon isn't exactly my idea of a Sunday night small group, but we're no ordinary group of friends.  We are all training to run a half marathon for a girl named Parul. (a fake name that represents a very real girl.)  There is an organization that I've been learning about called  As Our Own. It's an organization that rescues girls out of sex trafficking, and adopts them.  They give them a life and a family that they couldn't have had otherwise.  
Most of the stories I read are about how the girls that they've rescued were born in brothels and their mothers were trying to find a better option for their daughters.  It is moving to read about the desperation that these women feel.  They want so badly to escape, but know that it is nearly impossible for them.  But they know they can save their children before it's to late.
Then there are the other stories that make you want to vomit because of the horrendous nature of how these childhoods were stolen from the most unsuspecting girls.  A couple of girls who just went to get a snack, but were drugged, relocated 1,000s of miles away from home, and initiated with the cruelest of methods.  I feel a righteous anger against those who torture and use these girls for their bodies.  My heart aches for the ones who can't get out, or don't want to because they don't know any other way of life. But then I feel great joy when I hear the stories about those who have been rescued.
This is why I have come to a decision.  I want to preface this by saying that I may not make it to my goal.  I am going to try and run this half marathon in honor of Parul all the money that we raise will go directly to As Our Own and the ministry projects they have to help their girls gain an education.  And have the Gospel poured over them so that they can find their true salvation in Christ.  The stories about how they've been rescued are wonderful to hear, but the stories about how they've trusted their new found life to Christ is even more glorious.

I wanted to post a couple links to some movies that 
As Our Own has on their website.  one about why I want to run, and one that shows how many girls end up in sex trafficking.


If you would like to sponsor me and help support As Our Own's ministry you can go to my race page.  There you can read Parul's story and learn a little more about As Our Own.

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