Thursday, September 8, 2011

Some things I've seen.

 The main market in ChiangMai.  Warrarot Market.  This is the view from the top floor looking down.  But all around there are 3 levels surrounding this area looking down into it.
 An adorable old man doing his part in making a fun umbrella.  Most of the people at the umbrella factory have spent a good part of their lives learning and perfecting how to make umbrellas

These are my two classes from our English course.  We have so much fun together.  Even if the power goes out and we have to go to Heidi's house to study. :-)

 My new favorite necklace to always remind me to pray for the people of Thailand and the stone on it is where Chiang Mai is.  So I especially remember them and hold them close to my heart. :-)

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