Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Count down Part 2


This one's a little harder.  You never notice how you've changed until you are back in an old setting.  So now I'm trying to remember what home is like.  What is different from here? What have I gotten used to here that was weird at one time?
For sure it will be weird to be surrounded by English. I think I've become more thoughtful.  Not understanding people only leaves you with your own thoughts. So I've been thinking a lot about everything and anything.  It spills over, though.  Even when people are speaking English around me I find myself thinking about everything they might be thinking or feeling?  What are they not saying?
Hmmmm.....What are some other things? I walk a lot of places here.  It feels good to walk and get some easy exercise.  When I get home I"ll prolly ride my bike any place I can.  I live close to everything except for work.  Plus, riding a bike or walking gives me time to let my mind concentrate.  Pray, observe, plan.  All things that usually don't happen in the car with the radio, or friends talking with me.   Don't get me wrong. I love spending time with people I care about, 
but there's always more time I could spend with the Lord.
 I think I'd also like to take back the 
attitude of spending time with people.  Relationships are important here.  A friend is someone you spend time with and talk with. It's not just someone you say hi to at school or church.  Most of them are lost here and they act more like the Body should than most Christians I have known in my life.  True, we all love each other, but I think we could show it more.  

Moreover, I will never lose my memories of this town.  

The sights and how they perplex me.  The smell of spices and foods as I go down the road.  The sounds of all the people talking and negotiating in the markets. the Sound of Thai believers worshiping with all their hearts; eyes closed so tight, hands raised, pouring out their heart to the One True God.  
Lord, What would you have take back with me.  I've observed the culture  I know the meanings of the things around me.  I've applied what I learned to my life.  Now, how do I bring it back home?  Oh Lord what is it that you desire from this.  Help me to trust you and follow your every leading when I have the opportunity to tell someone about my trip.  Please don't let me tell them about the things I did.  but rather what you have been doing that I got to be a part of.  You are moving in these people.  I pray that I will be faithful to you and witness your work in this place.  I want so badly for them to have what you offer.  You are Constant, unwavering, Love in it's truest form, just, and merciful to provide the payment you require for what we have done against you and continue to do.  Thank you my Lord. My savior.  I love you Daddy.

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