Monday, September 5, 2011

Let the Count Down Begin

I've decided to start a mini series of a count down until it's time to go back home.  I want to dedicate some thoughts to who and what I am going to miss when I leave. What I will take back with me (behaviors, habits, mannerisms, ect.).  And also what I still want to accomplish before I leave.  There's no worse feeling than looking back and wishing you had done something you decided not to do.

 I started to write about this in my journal the other night.  I wanted to see what all Chiang Mai has that I wish I had back home.  I think I'll just list them off as I think of them.
-Everyone is so friendly
-Relationships mean more than being on time
-Friendships are made over meals
-There's little to no crime.  I don't have to worry about someone breaking into my room or stealing the keys out of my bike when I accidentally forget to grab them. (which I've done a few times already)
-The traffic is very go-with-the-flow mentality. and motorbikes can go wherever they fit.
-Karaoke, Thai style. (in a room with just your friends.  No embarrassment in front of strangers)
-The willingness to spend time with each other whenever you have free time.  
-I've made some really good friends while I've been here that I'm REALLY going to miss A LOT
-I've finally learned to like spicy food, and I actually crave Thai food over ferang food.
-There's no English word to truly describe the feel of Chiang Mai.  It's a city, but each little road is like it's own small town, but it's so diverse you can't nail down a good description of the feel here.
-There are markets EVERYWHERE and the things in them are cheap. 
-I fill up my gas tank on my scooter for $
-I'm at the foot of a mountain and within walking of a waterfall and lake, all of these elements are great for prayer and quiet times with the Lord.
-I feel like I've become a part of the community of the street I live on.  I eat at this little restaurant, Tim and Mim's, almost everyday.  They people at the 7/11 know me now.  The ladies who sell their fruit on the side of the road know me.  The church I go to is on my street, and so is the school where I'm teaching English.  Even the dogs at the place where I live know me.  The cleaning ladies in my building always stop and say hi to me.  

Yes there is a lot about Chiang Mai that I'm gonna miss a ton.  There are so many details within these things I've listed that would make this post way too long so I've just said the general things, but finish reading this knowing that I've made a life here for these short months and it has become so comfortable and homey feeling here.  

I'm gonna miss it all.

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