Sunday, July 3, 2011


Left - right: Me (ruby), Carla, Roman, Heidi, and Kristi Roman and Kristi are leaving in a few days. I've really enjoyed hanging out with them this summer. One of my students innocently pointed out how lonely I'm go
ing to be with out them here. My days that have been so full of planning and executing, are now filled with unknown.... Ideally I will be able to spend more time with students, but they are all very busy also. So I'm praying that God will fill my days with His productiveness.

As for my students. This is my 7:30 Advanced class. The power went out at Wisdom Tree (the school) so we moved class to Heidi's apt. it was so much fun. We just sat around a coffee table and learned English. When class was over, one student smiled, closed his book and said, "English class is over. Thai class begins!" I suddenly felt very nervous for some reason. I have found that learning Thai is very fun. (at least the little tiny bit I've learned) I'm now taking OFFICIAL thai language classes while I'm here. it's a lot of fun. I should probably be studying a little more. haha

Roman and Kristi are getting used to the states again.
We went to Hua Hin beach for a debrief time. It was so beautiful. I wish I had same pictures of it, but my camera is broken at the moment. I wonder which is better. being able to take a picture that speaks volumes about the subject, or being able to write in such a way that it paints a vivid picture and creates the desired emotions. Sadly, I'm not really proficient at either. But there was one evening when I was standing on the roof of our hotel (it's only 4 floors, then the roof) and the view caused me to want to write down everything I was seeing and feeling and thinking. It was like I finally found the moment where I could paint a picture. I wish I could feel like that all the time!

1 comment:

  1. oh Ruby if u want to hang out or you r lonely, u can ask me haha I will help u.
