Saturday, July 30, 2011

More Than a statistic, and More than just a story.

Right now it is 2:50 in the morning.
I was up late watching tv and this movie came on about these people who all experience this horrible traumatic event together. The movie just showed how horrible things can effect eve
ry part of who you are. Your Faith, your personality, how you simply interact with people. and of course the PTSD. After the movie was over I started thinking about my life. What it was like to experience a traumatic event (2/5/08 Tornado).
But my event was a force of nature.

What about those who's life is turned to a hell on earth
by other humans seeking
to make a profit from them? What about the countless who are trapped in slavery, either sex related or not? How many little boys and girls are unknowingly sold into prostitution? Their caretakers thought they were promising these kids a better life in a new place, but they were deceived by wolves!
I decided I wanted to know a little more about it all. I stumbled across this blog that told about How these girls are not just statistics. They aren't even just a good story. They are real live people. Real young women who have finally gotten out. Who have finally broke their addiction. Or the real young women who were found then lost, or never found at all.
The writer of the blog listed off some examples of stories she knew. I never thought that reading about it would break my heart so bad. I read about how one girl's service provider let her go back into the brothel to get her cloths and the girl was never heard from again. Then the one about a girl who refuses to accept the fate of forced prostitution and ends up jumping out a window to her death.
When I read that last sentence I burst into tears.
all I can think about is what I could do to help.
Lord is this where you're leading me? All week I've been wrestling with the fact that I felt like I had no direction. I stared out a window for hours today waiting for my heart to break for the lostness of these people, but it didn't. I'm not saying that I'm going into a trafficking mission, but it was great to feel that feeling of "I care about this person so much it breaks my Heart!"
I can't imagine spending any part of my life as a missionary, unless I'm doing something that I am passionate about. Something that God will break my heart for.

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