Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pray They Understand

Do you ever just feel unqualified to do even the simplest things. I want so much to report some amazing story and encouragement about our time here. The truth is that I don't have an amazing story. I can offer you something to take joy in, though. By the measurements of what we would call amazing, it's just a passing mention of something. But in the measurements of what God says is Glorious, this is a step closer to Him by a lost girl. and that truly is amazing.
Fai is a girl that we've met here. she isn't a Christians, but God is really working in her! She is so interested in the Bible and who God is and what He promises. I went to one of their Bible classes the other week and they were learning about Noah's Ark. At the end they were talking about God's promise not to destroy the world by water again. Fai said that since God has kept that promise, maybe He'll keep the promise to fix the relationship with us.
I can't even think of the right exclamation to express the joy I felt when I heard her say that.
Progress as we measure it is so much slower than in other parts of the world. But God is working in these people. Pray that they will see what it TRULY means to follow Christ. Pray that they don't make these empty commitments. It is so tragic to see someone finally believe in Christ and who He is, but they fall away from the faith because no one told them what they'd have to give up to follow Him. Pray that they will understand and genuinely want to lay down everything for Him!
What is our family, worldview, traditions, friends, or even our very understanding of life and death compared to the promise of eternal life with Christ. I don't mean to say that it's easy to give these things up. But it is, in fact, what Christ calls us to do. To die to ourselves and follow Him. "ourselves" is so much more than our body or our beliefs. It's everything we know and want and understand.

Oh Lord make them see! Lord teach us all how to follow you and love you. We are yours! bring me close to you!

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