Friday, June 3, 2011

A time such as this.....

Hi everybody. IT'S HERE! I'm currently at orientation for my 4 months in Thailand where I'll be loving on thai college students. I can't believe.......well I can, but it's so amazing still........that God has sent me out, provided and is still providing, and spiritually preparing me to be His witness to the Thai people. As I've been examining myself these past few days, I've realized that my focus is in the wrong place.
I know it's right to love the Thai people and want to see them come to Christ, but that is not the focus of my life. God is showing me that I am concentrating too much on the serving and not nearly enough on our relationship. Christ is the center of my life. Christ is the reason I am anything at all. My witnessing is just the outpouring of the Holy Spirit inside of me. But how do I take a realization and turn it into a new attitude. Well.... I don't. 'I' don't do anything. 'I' did not bring myself out of death. 'I' did not reveal the truth of Christ and the Gospel of my salvation to myself. This is the work of GOD in me. He sought me out and picked me up and put me on his shoulders.
I was praying tonight and wanted so bad to have a better offering to give Him besides myself. I'm (in myself) tainted and ruined. I know that it would be better to be just his servant than to fend for myself. But what does he say when I come surrendered to him?
You are my CHILD!
I am a son of God!
I know that sounds weird because I"m a girl, but hang with me for a second. Scripture talks about us being coheirs with Christ. How we are to inherit His kingdom. That would mean positionally we are receiving the rights of the first born son. That's why Positionally only, I am a son, in that I will inherit all that is my father's. but in the other aspect I am his daughter who he adores and adorns. He is making me into his perfected creation. HE is sanctifying me to prepare me for that marvelous day when I will be presented, as will all the body, as the Bride of Christ. Oh what a wonderful tearful, marvelous, splendorous, exciting, and joyful day that will be. I could list off endless adjectives to describe that day, but I think you'd rather I trust that you grasp the extent of my longing and expectation of that day.

Ok so I know this post became longer and different than I originally expected, but I just had to let it out how God is molding my heart. I leave on Thurs. the 9th for Thailand. and I just have to say. if God can work in me this much in just a couple days, what will 4 months look like? Oh Lord come! Come quickly and fall on me! Fill up my cup with your love so that it overflows onto those around me! I ask the same for my team, Lord. Use of. Allow us to be used by you and for you! You, after all, are the reason for all that we are and hope to ever be. It's all you!

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