Thursday, October 28, 2010


Sometimes we can get complacent in our situation.
True God places us where he wants us, but I'm not sure if we should become complacent.
Content, yes, but then what is the difference. Contentment is a sense of acceptance of your situation so you can be happy in it. Being complacent suggests that you have no purpose anymore. or you are not purpose driven. I have admittedly become very complacent in my situation at home. My job at the water park ended with the summer. My temporary living situation at my dad's house should've ended with it, but I'm still there. Now sometimes situations are out of our control and we have to let people help us out. Even our parents. But at the same time, I have the opportunity to be out on my own working and buying my own groceries. But I have gotten used to the arrangement as it is and become quite comfortable in it. With this comfort has come laziness. Laziness in my work, my physical health, and my quiet times with the Lord. Now I can't reasonable blame my living situations for my own rebellion against God. It almost seems extreme to refer to something so lacking in action as a "rebellion" but isn't it just that? I've basically told our Lord that he isn't worth the effort........WHAT RUBBISH! He's not only worth the effort, but he's worth my total devotion and complete surrender of everything else that consumes my time. Friends, work, TV, taking care of my dog, living situations, or even how to effectively witness to people. I'm called to surrender all of this. I'm called to focus solly on Him and His glory. The funny thing about surrendering to God is that he gives back. Not possessions necessarily, but so much more than "stuff." An enextenguishable joy, fellowship with the Body, purpose greater than my own imagination could conjure, and the greatest gift of all.....HIM. So it would seem that surrender would be easy knowing that the return is so much better. it's like paying a dollar for a Corvet, and no taxes. The only condition being that you keep it perfectly clean all the time.Who would pass that up? But I'm such a filthy sinner that There's no way I can keep my relationship with the Lord completely pure, but it's ok. weird right? I love our Lord so much!! He is speaking to me even as I write this. He's encouraging me by reminding me that even though I mess up all the time, and sometimes in very big ways. He is there calling to me. More than that, He's running to me with an embrace as a greeting!! How can I not respond in kind? Complacency is a dangerous weapon of the enemy. I grew dangerously comfortable in doing practically nothing. my life has a purpose so much greater than sitting around watching TV or taking naps all the time. The occasional nap is usually well needed though. Just don't get too many in. I'm not sure the specific application of this amazing lesson, but I do know that it will result in my concentrating on just building my relationship with the Lord. He will never leave me or grow tired of me, and I will never cease to be in awe at His greatness. I can't wait to see him in full some day!!

Hallelujah! Amen!

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