Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pray They Understand

Do you ever just feel unqualified to do even the simplest things. I want so much to report some amazing story and encouragement about our time here. The truth is that I don't have an amazing story. I can offer you something to take joy in, though. By the measurements of what we would call amazing, it's just a passing mention of something. But in the measurements of what God says is Glorious, this is a step closer to Him by a lost girl. and that truly is amazing.
Fai is a girl that we've met here. she isn't a Christians, but God is really working in her! She is so interested in the Bible and who God is and what He promises. I went to one of their Bible classes the other week and they were learning about Noah's Ark. At the end they were talking about God's promise not to destroy the world by water again. Fai said that since God has kept that promise, maybe He'll keep the promise to fix the relationship with us.
I can't even think of the right exclamation to express the joy I felt when I heard her say that.
Progress as we measure it is so much slower than in other parts of the world. But God is working in these people. Pray that they will see what it TRULY means to follow Christ. Pray that they don't make these empty commitments. It is so tragic to see someone finally believe in Christ and who He is, but they fall away from the faith because no one told them what they'd have to give up to follow Him. Pray that they will understand and genuinely want to lay down everything for Him!
What is our family, worldview, traditions, friends, or even our very understanding of life and death compared to the promise of eternal life with Christ. I don't mean to say that it's easy to give these things up. But it is, in fact, what Christ calls us to do. To die to ourselves and follow Him. "ourselves" is so much more than our body or our beliefs. It's everything we know and want and understand.

Oh Lord make them see! Lord teach us all how to follow you and love you. We are yours! bring me close to you!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Times you say "what in the world do I do now"

My roommate and I were walking home last night after a LONG day of preparing for our party tonight when we were met with a seemingly friendly dog. He was all smiles and playful jumps. Here in Thailand people don't really have pets. (some people do, but the strays greatly out number the pets) So there are a lot of dogs just walking along the streets hoping people will feed them. Being a Buddhist nation, the people are usually very peaceful and not aggressive. Then to add to all of this, they believe in reincarnation. so these dogs could be a "next life" of one of their loved ones. They feed them sometimes to try and earn merit by showing kindness for their next life.
Now, why did I tell you all of that mini background on a piece of Buddhism? The dog that was so friendly and playful became a little too playful. it started to playfully bite at our cloths and our bags. Then he decided to play tug of war with our cloths and bags. If I was back home I probably would have punted that dog across the parking lot. (a mild exaggeration, of course) But this is Thailand and I'm here to represent Christ, and to show the Thai people what Christians really look like. Kicking a dog that could, in their beliefs, be one of their ancestors is not the impression I want to leave in their minds.
This is where we asked the question, "What in the world to we do now?" I tried to gently push it away, pull it by it's collar, gently nudge it with my foot. All of these resulted in me getting bit and at one point the dog really latched onto my hand. No worries though. Just a bruise across the top. I was so thrilled to see a Thai guy coming to our rescue! he did some motion with his hand and the dog started to run away, but he's a persistent puppy. Once we all thought he was gone. He snuck up the stairs of my building (the stairs are outside) and latched onto my bag again. Luckily the Thai guy was still standing near. He came to our rescue once again, and my roommate and I ran to our room.
This all just goes to show that culture really does effect you over seas. It's hard to find the balance of what
should I do and what can I do? It's so hard! Tune in next time for more stories from the front lines.

Friday, June 3, 2011

A time such as this.....

Hi everybody. IT'S HERE! I'm currently at orientation for my 4 months in Thailand where I'll be loving on thai college students. I can't believe.......well I can, but it's so amazing still........that God has sent me out, provided and is still providing, and spiritually preparing me to be His witness to the Thai people. As I've been examining myself these past few days, I've realized that my focus is in the wrong place.
I know it's right to love the Thai people and want to see them come to Christ, but that is not the focus of my life. God is showing me that I am concentrating too much on the serving and not nearly enough on our relationship. Christ is the center of my life. Christ is the reason I am anything at all. My witnessing is just the outpouring of the Holy Spirit inside of me. But how do I take a realization and turn it into a new attitude. Well.... I don't. 'I' don't do anything. 'I' did not bring myself out of death. 'I' did not reveal the truth of Christ and the Gospel of my salvation to myself. This is the work of GOD in me. He sought me out and picked me up and put me on his shoulders.
I was praying tonight and wanted so bad to have a better offering to give Him besides myself. I'm (in myself) tainted and ruined. I know that it would be better to be just his servant than to fend for myself. But what does he say when I come surrendered to him?
You are my CHILD!
I am a son of God!
I know that sounds weird because I"m a girl, but hang with me for a second. Scripture talks about us being coheirs with Christ. How we are to inherit His kingdom. That would mean positionally we are receiving the rights of the first born son. That's why Positionally only, I am a son, in that I will inherit all that is my father's. but in the other aspect I am his daughter who he adores and adorns. He is making me into his perfected creation. HE is sanctifying me to prepare me for that marvelous day when I will be presented, as will all the body, as the Bride of Christ. Oh what a wonderful tearful, marvelous, splendorous, exciting, and joyful day that will be. I could list off endless adjectives to describe that day, but I think you'd rather I trust that you grasp the extent of my longing and expectation of that day.

Ok so I know this post became longer and different than I originally expected, but I just had to let it out how God is molding my heart. I leave on Thurs. the 9th for Thailand. and I just have to say. if God can work in me this much in just a couple days, what will 4 months look like? Oh Lord come! Come quickly and fall on me! Fill up my cup with your love so that it overflows onto those around me! I ask the same for my team, Lord. Use of. Allow us to be used by you and for you! You, after all, are the reason for all that we are and hope to ever be. It's all you!