Monday, March 14, 2011

God works on the Hearts of sinners with an unfathomable love

So I know that this post has been way over due. sorry about that. So since I posted last, I moved to NW Arkansas I have committed to going to Haiti for spring break and even more exciting, to THAILAND FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER!! (maybe longer) the Thailand trip is going to be a vision trip to see if this is the team I'm gonna join long term. Exciting right? Lately God has really been working in my heart. Yesterday I really, finally, broke down and realized the depravity of my state. Then, today I was praying in the car and basically yelling at myself for not being faithful when God is so faithful and unchanging. I, however, seem to be so weak in my faith and doubt God's plan for me and my ability to hear him. which is why I was yelling at myself today. I was yelling James ch. 1 to myself and how I was basically being the one who asks for wisdom and then doubts so I am like a wave on the sea. Blown and tossed by the wind.

Our God is so patient and wonderful to us. I am the prodigal who continues to rebel against our father but His love is unconditional. He teaches me and corrects me when I go astray, but he never ceases to welcome me with open arms and a loving embrace. THANK YOU FATHER!

Hopefully my next post will be in a video format. we'll just have to see how that goes. so look forward to that. it's gonna be epic! haha ok so maybe not so much.

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