Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This is a picture of my Grandmother holding my nephew, Lucas. Grandmother is turning 92 on fri. (new years eve) I was t
hinking about it, and I wonder. What untold stories does she still have? Her memory is very weak, so I may never get an answer to that question. But I want the question to be asked any ways.
This is a woman who has 5 kids (3 now) 7 grand children and 6 great grandchildren.
WOW I never met my great grandmother, but my nephew and 5 of my cousins have met their's. But she's so much more than an amazing lineage.
This is a woman who is spunky like any old woman from Texas,
funny as all get out, and still sold out to the will of God!
One of the stories she loves to tell is about how my grandpa, before he died,
told her that she should always rely on God and no one else,
and she would never come up short.
My grandmother relies completely on the generosity of Christian organizations
and her children. No medicare. just the Lord!
So here's to an amazing Christian woman who has seen more than a fair share of life!
Bobbie Jo Williams

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I thought a nice update would be nice. Lord willing, I will be in Thailand this summer!! woohoo. I'll be teaching English in a school with the team I am looking at joining long term. The first half of my trip will be with a summer team, and then hopefully I will stay on for a couple more months with just the core team and me. I just need to get my passport in order and raise the support. When I told my dad about it, his response was that he was glad I'd get to learn more about buddhism. =( I continue to pray for my dad. That his heart be broken in a way that full reliance on Christ is the only truth there is. well at least relying on Christ is a crucial piece of the the Truth.
Some prayer requests:
1. My Dad to understand what it is I really plan to do with my life. It's not about living a good life. it's about living a sold out life for Christ
2. For God to provide the money to get my passport taken care of
3. That He will provide the support needed to go on this trip
4. That he would bring forward monthly supporters to support me all through my ministry. not just this trip.

I think that makes for a good update. hope you think so too. :-)

Until next time.