Monday, September 10, 2012

Back to School

    A few months ago I applied for a ministry opportunity to work with women who have been forced into prostitution and children who are trafficked right here in America.  Human trafficking is something that I have been learning more and more about.  The more I learn, the more I am saddened. But also I realized how desperately these people need to hear the Gospel.  Who understands the value of our freedom in Christ like those who have been denied even basic freedoms; where to work or for how long, who they will have sex with, being forced to strip for men, etc. 
    Sometimes I will catch myself grumbling about how tired I am of my job.  Then, I remember what a blessing my job is.  It’s a Christian environment where I’m surrounded by cultural Christians (those who say they are Christians because we live in the south and going to church and saying you are a Christian is just what you’ve done all your life) and some who have really surrendered their lives over to Christ and the joy that is found in HIM. It is a wonderful opportunity to minister to young believers and to abolish the misconception of the “Christian American Dream”
    I was filling out the application, feeling pretty confident in my pursuit of this opportunity, when it asked me what my degree was in.  I had to leave the space blank because I didn’t finish my degree.  Sadly I wasn’t even able to submit the application because a degree was required.  I was slightly discouraged by this but not completely shut down.  I looked in to many other opportunities with well established organizations, but it was the same problem over and over. 
    This was very frustrating to me because a degree was not really needed to do what I wanted to do. As I voiced my complaint to many of my friends and other solid Christians in my church, they all said this similar answer. “You don’t need a degree to DO the ministry, but the degree says so much more than what you have been trained to do.  It shows that you are educated and disciplined.  These are things that will give you a reason to be heard by the people you are trying to minister to.  Also, many countries that need the Gospel most will not give you a visa unless you have a degree because it shows you can bring good to their country.”  After hearing this over and over I began to pray about going back to school and finally finishing my degree. 
    That was about 5 months ago, right before the Spring semester was over.  I wanted to go back to school as soon as possible, but all of the admissions and scholarship application deadlines had already passed.  So I finally came to the decision to apply for the Spring 2013 semester at University of Arkansas.  This is the nearest 4yr school to where I live. 
    Filling out the application felt like I was walking backwards.  I have learned how to live as an adult in the workforce and now I’m applying to be a student again.  So many doubtful thoughts were waring in my mind.  Can I juggle school and still work enough to pay bills?  Can I afford to go back to school?  How do I find and apply for the right scholarships?  So many doubts, but ultimately outweighed by the remembrance of all those who need to hear the Gospel and the Governments that want to see a degree.  Ultimately the remembrance that my God is able to solve and plan and finance all that I can imagine and more for His glory!
Hitting that button was like exhaling after unintentionally holding my breath for a long time.  There it went.  Off to be reviewed and accepted or rejected.  Then came the waiting.  I received many emails telling me about how I can track my application.  How I can apply for some scholarships.  A variety of different things.  It seemed like it was going to take forever for my application to finally be processed.  Then, FINALLY, I received another email.  When I opened it I expected it to say something else about financial aid or “get to know us”  as I had received many of them before.  But when I opened it it said,
I’ve been in a state of stunned/excited/nervous ever since.  I can hardly believe it’s actually happening!  But, Lord willing, I will be learning French and Spanish come Spring, and on my way to a degree that will not only give me a platform for missions, but will also equip me for missions. 
    I’m very excited to share all of this with you.  It has been a long time since I last updated you, I know.  But rest assured, I am still living as a missionary put on hold in her own home.  So my “go” in the great commission is to Go to my Jerusalem first and for as long as He keeps me here.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Ruby!! Exciting times ahead as God continues to lead you on this journey! I know you will do well!
