Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Luca's Birthday call

The names kids give their relatives could be published into a hysterical book.  "Top 100 funny names for relatives."  Kinda wordy but it captures the character.  
I called my nephew for his birthday yesterday, Valentine's Day.  When my brother handed him the phone I heard Jesse, my brother, tell Lucas that it was Aunt Ruby on the phone.  my heart leaped as he called me my secret nickname and said hello.  I asked him if it was his birthday and he basically repeated my words back to me as his answer.  So I told him Happy Birthday!!!  He just said, in the most adorable 3yr voice "Ok."  hands the phone back to my brother and says "It's your turn, daddy."


I love my family and getting to talk to them and hear their voices.  seeing faces and hearing voices fill a part of me that a simple message or text just doesn't do.

So happy, late, Valentines Day.  
Here's to all kinds of love!
Especially that of the Father's!

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