Friday, September 10, 2010

Sept. 2010 v.2 Slowly but Surely

I was given a new perspective recently that I don't know why I'd never grasped before. I used to look at support raising as asking people for money. I figured that was my ultimate goal so that must be what it's all about. But I WAS SO WRONG!!! I do apologize for having such a selfish outlook on something that really has nothing to do with me, but more what God is allowing me to do. It is and should always be all about Him! My friend Heather challenged me to reprogram my brain so that is what I'm doing. I'm no longer doing "support raising" but now I'm just sharing with people about how God is moving in my life to go into the world and share the Gospel. Not because he needs me to, but because he is gracious and loving in letting me do his work. What an honor! When I share with people about where God is calling me to go, they learn a little something more about the world and what God is doing in it. That in and of its self is to God's Glory! so it's not about asking for money. God has the perfect team set up to send me out into the mission field and if you are one of them, then THANK YOU! But even if I can afford to go, I would be utterly alone if I don't have a solid prayer team backing me up. I need people to constantly and faithfully be praying for me. I am a selfish being that wars against the Christlike selflessness within me. You can pray that God would be softening the hearts of the people I will talk to between now and forever. (that's a long time I know) Pray that I will be faithful and confident in Him! and Please Pray that I find Joy in Him and not let troubles take away the Confidence and Power I have in Christ!!
With Love in HIM

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 2010 v.1

Dear friend,
I can’t wait to tell you everything that has been happening with me over these past couple years. If you don’t already know, this letter will certainly catch you up. The Lord certainly has been moving me in some radically different directions than I had planned for myself, but let’s face it God’s plans are always bigger and better than our own. Last summer, for instance, I had the opportunity to go to West Africa with FBC Humboldt. I never imagined I would be in that part of the world but God sent me, never the less. While I was there, I saw Him work in mighty and powerful ways. I witnessed how he could heal a little boy who’s parents tried all kinds of witchcraft to heal him, but only God’s power would. This was only one way he showed us how He would display His glory even to this forgotten people. The whole experience sparked a burden in me to go to other forgotten peoples and unreached people groups. There is a harvest that needs more workers.
Now, over the past couple years God has lead me into and through many different environments, situations, and opportunities that only strengthened the called I already felt to missions. I would love to give you all the details of this journey, but this letter would turn into a short book if I did. Furthermore, all of these experiences have lead me to go long term as a missionary with an organization called Pioneers to minister to people of the buddhist faith in S.E. Asia. More specifically I wish to work with youth and college age students there. They are all searching and working towards finding peace and enlightenment by earning merit in this life that will advance them in a next life. Most buddhist recognize that feeling of emptiness they feel inside and that’s why they try so hard to fill it with seemingly good things. Oh how they have been mislead and lied to by the enemy!
I placed this picture of buddhist women on here so that you can see how much they long for meaning and purpose in their lives. These women have dedicated their whole lives to finding a purpose that we as Christians know can only be found full in Christ! But how will they know how mislead they’ve been unless someone goes and tells them? I asked God to send me to where he wanted me and ever since then I have had this aching burden in my heart for these people. So I plan to go and tell them in obedience and overflowing love of Christ how the peace and enlightenment they are working so desperately for is only found it Him.
If it were up to me I would be over there sooner rather than later, but the road to get there is a long one. I have a few requirements that have to be met first. The most exciting of which is what is called a survey trip. This will be about a month long trip where I will go to S.E. Asia and visit with the different teams I think God may be leading me to. I hope to take this trip, as the Lord provides, in the next 6-8 months. After that I will have more specifics on what my ministry will look like and how long I will be going for. I will make sure to keep you updated on all the updates as this journey continues.
In the mean time I would like to invite you to pray to see how God is leading you in regards to partnering with me on this journey. I cannot go if I do not have faithful supporters sending me. I need people to faithfully pray for me, as well as financial supporters (one time and monthly). I ask that you would prayerfully consider how the Lord is leading you in this. If he is leading you to give then you may go to this link. My account number is 111521. Thank you in advance for sending me out to do His work. I can’t wait to be able to sit down and hear about how He is working in you life, as well as tell you in greater detail all he is doing in mine. Until then,
Love in Him,
Ruby Williams