Friday, April 13, 2012

Adventures with my Camera

I recently purchased a new DSLR camera.  A real one! I've always been into photography but just never really had the chance to pursue it.  Well here's my chance.  the first couple days I had it I went down to Dixon St. here in Fayetteville.  It's kinda like a Main St.  My goal was to take pictures of every one I saw!  which may not have been the best plan of attack.  here's a picture from that outing.
Most of my pictures that day were just of people walking, nothing spectacular, but I liked the sight of this professor riding his bike down the road.  Wearing stripes, no less. 

My camera purchase was just in time for Easter as well.  I went home this past weekend to visit my family, and finally take some pictures that I've always wanted to take.  There's this town near by that has an Old City!  So I went to Jefferson City's Old City to take some pictures of these gorgeous old buildings.  There's something about an old building that I love.  There's so much life that has happened in it.  There must have been!  Here's a few of my favorites from that outing.

My next big adventure was playing with Lucas, my nephew, at the park.  I haven't seen him in a while and I was afraid he might not be all that excited to see me.  He's only 3 and I only see him around the holidays.  But when I pulled into my brother's driveway I saw these two heads peeking out the window.  One was a friend of ours who lives with my brother, and one was Lucas yelling, "Aunt Ruby! Aunt Ruby!"  it made my heart leap with happiness.  I love to spoil my little nephew with trips to the park almost every time I see him.  He has grown so much since the last time I took him.  Last time I had to stay with him everywhere he went to make sure he didn't fall of something and get hurt.  But this time I could barely keep up with him to take his picture!  I think you will agree that he is the cutest little boy you've ever seen!  Or maybe I'm just a little bias.

I think it's safe to say that I love this little boy!!!!
I wont give you quite as big a taste of my next adventure, but I do have a couple favorites from it.  I went to Gatlinburg while I was home and sat in the Village to take pictures of all the people.  The village is a wonderful little area with lots of shops just off the road.  it has a beautiful fountain and lots of benches for people to sit and relax.  It's a great area to just people watch.  there are so many different people from all over the world that come into this town to experience the mountains and shopping combined.  :-)
I feel like she came out of an old movie and
ended up in Gatlinburg.
This woman was my favorite of the day.
I can just see the life she's lived in every line on her face.
Like a story waiting for someone to ask it to be told.

And Finally my last adventure since having my camera.  THE SHOTGUN!!
My dad got a shotgun for Christmas and hadn't shot it yet.  So we walked down the mountain to our property we own down there and set up some targets to shoot at.  This was my first time ever shooting a shotgun.  Sadly there's no picture of me shooting it, but my daddy makes a good subject for a picture.  He is the epitome of a mountain man.