Monday, January 30, 2012

Week One of my "grown up budget"

It was one of those moments when you set out to do something completely unrelated to what was intended.  I sat down at my computer to look at a file and accidentally opened the wrong program.  Numbers, which is like Excel for Macs, opened and there were all these templates to choose from.  I saw a section that was called "Personal Finance" and I thought to myself in an amused kind of way, "I have no personal finance."  then it just hit me! like a flash of maturity that came over me.  I sat down and made a budget.  I really detailed budget that doesn't allow for any unnecessary spending.  so far I have kept to it pretty well.  week one was an overall success.  I did have to allow for some unexpected expenses in one category and it's a good thing too. 
This week I came down with an awful cold that completely knocked me off my feet.  And wouldn't you know, we didn't have a drop of cold medicine in the entire apartment. so I had to go buy some.  It's not as cheap as I was expecting.  I guess it's been a while since I've had to buy cold medicine.

I had gotten on my computer just to look at something and then before I knew it I was mapping out the next month, financially.  Even before I made this budget I've realized that I need to be more mature about things.  It's time to be an adult (even though I still feel like a kid)