Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Gorgeous Day in Chiang Mai

Isn't this an amazing little view? This is a small lake on Chiang Mai University's campus. can you imagine taking a break between class and seeing this?
It's coming up on the end of rainy season here and today was probably the nicest weather we've had in weeks!!! It was sunny with big clouds for shade. The sun was warm, but the air was cool. I sat at a picnic table next to this little lake forever praying and journaling and just taking it all in.

This is the lovely little walkway that led to the picnic tables. They aren't in this picture, but there were so many people sitting along the sides of the path painting pictures of the scene with the mountains reflecting off the water.

Yep. Today was a gorgeous day in Chiang Mai

Thursday, August 11, 2011

You are Precious!

"To someone I'll never meet,
and everyone that I hope to meet,

I love you! Can you believe it? I love you.
I don't even know you and I want to show you
that you are precious to my Lord!
You are worth more than rubies."


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Driving on the Left Side of the Road!!!

I rented a scooter to drive around for the rest of the time I'm here. It is so terrifying to drive it around Chiang Mai! They drive on the left side here! ahh!! Before I left the shop where I rented it, the lady looked at me (obviously seeing the fear in my eyes) and says, "Take good care of my bike, please." I giggled on the inside, but on the outside I said, "yes ma'am!''
I made it home with no problems, but then came time to go get dinner...........:-/
I had to talk myself into NOT walking to the restaurant.
but now I think I'm getting more and more confident on this little thing. it's pretty easy to drive, and the Lord has been blessing me with Green lights and not a lot of bad traffic. I think I drive careful enough not to get into any serious trouble. Lord Willing!
I guess if anything really note worthy happens, you'll know about it soon enough. haha